Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Nirvana In a Skillet....

Okay, that may be sort of an exaggeration...but dinner tonight was pretty damn good! Here's my recipe for Chicken Breasts in Roasted Pepper Sauce. Enjoy!!

Cadillac Cowgirl Chicken in Roasted Pepper Sauce

4 Boneless Skinless Chicken Breasts
10 oz Jar Red Pepper Tapanade
12 oz Jar Roasted Red or Piquillo Peppers
6 oz Jar Artichoke Hearts
1/4 tsp Salt
1/4 Cup Chopped Sweet Onions
1/4 Cup Heavy Cream
1 T Butter
1 T Olive Oil

In a food processor or blender, combine the red pepper tapanade, the roasted peppers and the salt. Set aside. In a large skillet, melt the butter and olive oil. Brown the chicken breasts on both sides and remove; set aside. Add the chopped onion and saute it over low heat until tender. Once the onions are tender, add the chicken breasts back to the skillet and pour the red pepper sauce over the chicken breasts. Cover and simmer over medium low heat for 15 minutes. After 15 minutes, add the cream and artichokes. Stir to combine, recover and simmer for 15 more minutes or until chicken is cooked through. Enjoy!

You can serve this over rice if you aren't no-carbing it...or with roasted veggies and a salad if you are no-carbing it...like me :0)!!

Do you ever not correct someone's pronunciation of something because it's so much fun to listen to them try and pronounce it??? Well, even if you don't want to admit that you do, I'll take one for the team and say that I do! And, so does my sister. We've been laughing at Gary for the past five minutes while he tries to pronounce a word....I know, I know...we're going to hell. But at least we're having fun on the way there!!!

Flat Creek Super Texan Sangiovese. Try it. Like it. Buy more of it!!! It's very good. It starts out dry and spicy and mellows a bit as it sits. We bought this at the Salado Wine Seller and I'm really glad we tried it. Flat Creek is located in Marble Falls. We also bought Cap Rock's Blush Royale...which tastes like a cranberry spritzer. I'm glad the weather is getting cooler - I can drink more of my beloved red wines that sometimes sit a little too heavy in the Texas heat. We've also been on a Dry Comal Creek kick for the past few months. They have great wines and they're easy to find and affordable. I also enjoy Becker Vineyard's Malbec - it is very, very good. I wish more restaurants would feature Texas wines, but until then, I'll just drink at home...alone...in the dark....Kidding, Kidding!!! LOL

Paige, in her mind, had a bad day. She got in the car and the following conversation took place:

Me: Paige, how was your day?
Paige: I didn't have a very good day.
Me: What happened?
Paige: Well, we were playing kickball and they kept kicking the ball to me, but I'd miss it. And if you miss it, then you're out and you have to stand at the fence.
Me: Well, baby, sometimes that happens. Sometimes you lose.
Paige: But I don't want to, it's no fun. My class has plenty of kids that can be losers. I don't need to be the loser. Someone else can do it.
Me: Oh Paige....you can't be a winner all the time.
Paige: Yes, yes, I can. I can be the winner and they can be losers.
Me: Okay Paige.

Well, I just fed my sister dinner and she's balking at helping me clean the kitchen. I'm going to have to sign off now so that I can kick her ass into submission and help me do dishes :)

Spreading kindness and joy in ALL that I do..............


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