Thursday, September 16, 2010

Chili Musings

I'm going to post this at the risk of pissing off some people, including my husband, who's asked me to tone it down. own husband tries to censor me. I've gone back and forth in my head about this and whatever I post about the following subject, I also intend to do the adult thing and send an email as well voicing my concerns.

First of all, Gary and I cook chili with so many great people who are ALL trying to do their best to promote CASI, earn points, and help out when and where they can. With that said, there are only so many of us to go around and with CASI's membership problem, it shouldn't be a shock that we sometimes run short of volunteers and cooks to help run cook offs. We had our monthly TOT meeting last night and of course we went over the actions taken by both the GP's and the BOD at the recent GPM in Salado. After we talked about all of the less inflammatory issues, we got around to talking about the realignment of the regions and it's impact on the DFW area and TOT.

This is not a dig at any cook from any other Pod in our area: DAM Pod, TOT, Cowtown, NOW Pod, etc. Let's get that straight from the start. I'm kind of pissed about a few things that have slowly crept up and become an issue for a lot of people in our area. I know that we cannot control every promoter or charity that wants to schedule a cook off on top of another one 15 miles away. I totally get that. In reference to that issue, I'd really like to see CASI come up with a procedure that would be posted on the website to guide people wanting to have a CASI sanctioned cook off. CASI cannot keep talking out of both sides of its mouth when it comes to being this well run, nationally known charitable organization with a scholarship fund and a solid reputation for being well run if it's not going to put rules in place that will apply to EVERYONE. This is why I feel it's a conflict of interest to have people so closely involved with running cook offs, supporting local charities and being involved with Pods in charge of directing CASI. I think it's hard to be objective when you are right in the middle of everything. I know I mentioned this before, and while I don't want to see CASI run by a group of total strangers, I do believe there should be some distance between those running the business and organizational end of CASI and those running the cook offs, speaking with the promoters and charities and being involved on the local level. I wish I was smart enough to come up with a way to make it happen and make everyone happy in the process.

That is also my reasoning behind why I'm concerned with how the regions have been realigned. I know this is going to sound like I want to have my cake and eat it to; however, I recognize the need for open communication between the BOD and the people in these areas who are running these cook offs. I'm tired of hearing people say that "you can't say the Board doesn't listen because they don't do what you ask." Well, in certain situations, yes you can and this is one of them. The GP's (past and present) and RR's of our area sat down and proposed a very fair and manageable realignment for the DFW area. It was all mapped out and most importantly, the people involved with running the cook offs in this area were all on board and committed to working together to cover all of the cook offs. Instead of going with what was proposed, a completely different realignment was chosen for our area and those around us. Why is this such an issue for me? For one, there are Pods with By-Laws that dictate how their Regional Referee's are appointed. The response to the concerns brought up by some of these Pods - change your By-Laws. Why is it when we ask CASI to change something, it's like an Act of God sometimes? But Pods are just supposed to change immediately. The other reason it bothers me is because no one knows their area better than the people in it. You can work with a tallymaster and go by the number of cook offs in an area all you want to make a decision. But, until you listen to the people working in that area and go by what they're saying, how can you make a decision that "is in the best interests"? We know what our weak points are in the DFW area and we know where we have strength and lots of help. There are other ways to realign the state besides using the counties as boundaries. Why can’t we divide the state and make sure the areas have a fair representation of the Pods and the RR’s in those areas – so many of the Pods appoint their RR’s. Maybe if CASI would use both Pods and Regional Referees as complements to one another, instead of treating them as completely separate entities, then cook offs would be covered more easily and there would be better communication regarding cook offs that are already scheduled and those wanting to be scheduled. Pods (at least in our area) hold meetings; Regional Refs do not. Involving Pods, or at least a GP and the RR, when a promoter wants to schedule a cook off, immediately gives the membership in the area a chance to engage with the promoter, invite them to a meeting, and start a relationship with them. Once they see how we work, then it’s easier to explain how to get the most out of a cook off that isn’t competing against 5 others in the area.

If the ED is supposed to be the "representation of the membership to the Board", (not my words, but the ED's) then how can you justify constantly turning a deaf ear to the voice of the members who are working just as hard as the Board members to make CASI successful? The BOD is not omniscient; none of us are. I have no business telling another area how to run their cook offs or how to keep things straight when I have no firsthand knowledge of what they're dealing with. It's times like this that you DO have to listen to and do what the membership asks because they are the ones that know best. I wasn't the only person at the TOT meeting last night that was worked up over this; nor was I the only one incensed during the GP/RR "meeting" that took place last Saturday. A lot of people are frustrated and rightfully so. Many of them are sick of hearing themselves talk. I would have had better luck talking to a brick wall. That is probably why so many people just stop communicating; what's the point? I'm a little more persistent and I'll keep on and on until I get through to someone. I know it borders on obnoxious and stalker-ish, but when I have something that I feel needs to be addressed, I don't give up.

This isn't about anyone not getting their way, either. If I had gotten the area I was initially told that I was getting, I might be running all over creation for the next nine months running cook offs. But on the other hand, I probably wouldn't have because of the group of people we have in this area who work together.

I hope that something good will come of this issue. Maybe things won't be reworked; maybe they will. I do know that on the two way street of communication between the BOD and the members, it wasn't the membership who didn't go above and beyond to make sure we were heard. And, I might add, it was done in a very respectful and detailed manner. When we are told that our communication and questions for the BOD should go through the ED, then that's what we do. When there is an issue with how that communication is received, reciprocated and ultimately communicated to all involved, how can we be blamed for not letting the Board know how we feel about an issue? Is the membership perfect - of course not! But in this situation, and many others, I don't think you can place the blame on us for not trying to get our message across. When three different people send multiple emails asking questions and they remain unanswered, that is not two way communication. It's called "falling on deaf ears."

Well, I guess I'll go make myself scarce for awhile. I'm sure once Lord Brignon reads this I'll get a talking to :) Maybe I'll just promise him kinky sex to get myself out of trouble.

Keepin it real Dallas AND Ellis Counties.......


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