Monday, September 27, 2010


Insanity: Doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results.

Innocent Bystander: Someone caught in the middle of a disagreement who had no prior knowledge of the aforementioned disagreement.

Unwise: Forwarding an email at the behest of someone without knowing their true intentions.

Passive Aggressive: Letting someone else do your dirty work or not communicating directly with the individual you have a conflict with.

Power Hungry: Someone who is obsessed with power. Someone who does not want to let go of any control to others. Often associated with micromanaging. This results in the following:

Loss of support
Apathy from those tired of all the crap!

Now, on to a less passive aggressive tone for this posting.

I learned a few months ago that reactionary posts on my blog are not always a good idea. When I went off about the Dr. Ray issue, and I still feel justified in doing so, I hurt some people's feelings and that was not my intention whatsoever. I've also made it a point not to post anything downright derogatory or hateful as a means to support any argument I have or point that I am trying to make. I also do not post any email conversations between myself and CASI Board Members. I have been given permission to post letters and I have done so. With that said, I feel like this Regional Referee issue has gotten completely out of hand because CASI's current Executive Director is a control freak who does not like to be challenged in any way shape or form. The ED has decided to involve others in an argument between the two of us. You might say I am doing the same thing by airing my dirty laundry via my blog. I would have to agree with that opinion - to a point. I am not being untruthful; I am not asking people to write an email full of support for my position that is an inaccurate version of the events so that I can prove my point. What I write on my blog is the truth. There are too many people who read my blog in order for me to lie - not that I would anyways. I find it unfortunate that the ED does not feel like she should respond to me directly, but have another cook forward an email in which she's taken a smart ass tone when referencing me. I am also amused that I was called a "raving two year old" for calling her out on it. It seems to me that someone feels threatened, and is looking for a way to discredit those who stand up to her and call her out on her bullshit. Sounds childish, doesn't it? It is!!! It's a friggin bowl of chili and for some reason, there are people in CASI who have made this their life and they aren't about to give up any control they've managed to wrap their fingers around.

In all honesty, some of the above definitions describe me as well...insane and unwise to name a few. Passive aggressive - never. Power hungry - I don't think so, I'm the Queen of Delegating! Innocent Bystander - probably not. I've opened myself up for all kinds of criticism by having this blog, but hey, that's my choice. I know that I'm honest and that my methods might be a little unorthodox, but I mean well. I believe in CASI. I support the people that I cook with and the charities I raise money for. But I DO NOT and WILL NOT support someone who is more interested in being right than doing what is right for the 1500 or so members of CASI. Love me, hate me, roll your eyes at what you want. But you can't say my intentions are anything but good and in the interest of being fair to everyone for the sake of doing what's right! I also know that in the grand scheme of my life, this is a passing thing that will fade away quicker than Paige can strap on her shoes. Still, I do not understand why someone would go out of their way to alienate the person or persons who want to give, who want to help. I don't have to dig my heels in and fight about this petty issue; I could take the high road and move on with my life. I'm still debating if there really is a need to continue arguing with a brick wall. I'm stubborn, but I'm not stupid. My time, and my money, are more valuable than this. The CASI leadership, whether that includes all of them or one of them, still have not figured out why they are here - and it's not because people like to see them in their hot pink shirts. The Board is elected by the members to lead CASI in a manner that is fit for everyone - including the cooks. In this frenzy to obtain more sponsors and fund more scholarships, the cooks and local charities seem to be getting the short end of the stick. CASI is here because of the cooks who spend their time and money every weekend promoting CASI - not because of Mexene, or Woodbridge, or any of the countless other sponsors who support CASI. Yes, they make TICC more fun and they help finance our hobby, but they are not responsible for what CASI has become - that's you and me, folks. Maybe the ED hasn't looked around lately, but she's on the older side of most of the chili cooking population in CASI. There aren't a whole bunch of us young people clamoring to cook chili and put up with this crap. If she keeps running off all of the young blood, and if the Board continues to let it happen, CASI will die off with every member that passes away each year.

Have a good afternoon....spread some joy and kindness while you're at it :)


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