Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Conversations with Paige, Letting Employees Take Vacations, and Other Random Thoughts.......

Many of you who read my blog know Paige. She is, without a doubt, the most amazing, precious, intelligent and all around weird kid that I have ever met! With that said, I'm her of course I think she is genetically superior to all other children and humans! Some of the things that come out of her mouth completely floor me. I had no idea how big of a smart ass she is. I know, I know...where does she get it?? :) Still, the kid is spot on sometimes and I wonder if she's a mini Kelly Bowden trapped in a Paige Brignon body. Hhhhmmm......

So anyways, I don't post EVERYTHING she says simply because I don't want all of you questioning my skills as a parent! I've really had to watch what I say around her the past few months because she is SO observant - and I don't mean F-bombs. Did I blog about the comment made by the new Priest at St. Joseph....the one about touching the children? Well, she heard me say that and has asked me, in public, "Why does Faudder like to touch the small children?" No matter how many times I tell her that what he meant was that he loves all of the kids (and they really love him - he's awesome for the school) and loves to give them hugs. I still can't break her of saying it. I am VERY, VERY AFRAID that she is just going to ask Father Martin one day and that will be the day I just don't ever go up to that school again. She's also obsessed with "inappropriate kissing". Don't freak's not bad...this coming from the mom who freaked out over the Priest saying he liked to touch small children. But anyways! Inappropriate kissing came from Paige seeing me and her daddy kiss. She would kiss us with her eyes open and move her head! I said to her, "Paige, you can't kiss mommy and daddy like that. It's inappropriate. That's how mommies and daddies kiss, but not mommies, daddies and their kids." Hence the birth (or birfalize) of "inappropriate kissing." So what does she do now? She'll look at us and ask, "Do you know what I'm about to do? I'm about to inappropriately kiss you!" And she does this in public. I tell you....I am days away from a CPS visit! Paige is also having a hard time learning to tie her shoes and requested a pair of velcro tennis shoes.

Paige: Mommy, I'm going to call these shoes "Strappers" because you strap them on.
Me: Okay.
Paige: I'm not going to call them "Strippers" because that's what you do when you take your clothes off and dance.
Me: Paige...oh my God. How do you know that?
Paige: Well, you tell me to strip off my clothes and get in the shower. Then, when I'm naked and waiting to get in, sometimes I dance. And you've told me to quit dancing around naked like a stripper.
Me: Oh.
Paige: Yeah, I know what you're talking about. You need to remember that I know everything.
Me: Okay....

This leads me to last night's adventure. I got stuck in really bad traffic and didn't pick her up in time for Karate. I explained to her that we were going to go pick up a prescription and then go eat before going to the Hall for our Pod meeting. This is the conversation that followed:

Paige: Mommy, I'd really like some evening wear.
Me: Excuse me?
Paige: Yes, evening wear. It's what ladies wear in the evening when they go out.
Me: Well, you aren't a lady, you're a kid and you have your uniform on which is fine for the Hall.
Paige: But I really want to go home and change into my evening wear.
Me: Paige, we are not driving all the way home just for you to change into your "evening wear." You'll be fine.
Paige: But Mommy, I really like to wear evening clothes. I look good in them and they are better than my uniform.
Me: Fine, we'll run into Family Dollar after I get my RX and we'll see what we can find for you.
Paige: Thank you. You're the best mommy in the world.
Me: Thank you Paige. By the way, where did you come up with the term "evening wear" for clothes that you wear after school?
Paige: I saw the ladies in the night wearing them?
Me: The ladies in the night?? (I immediately start thinking of hookers.)
Paige: Yeah, like you.
Me: Oh???? Now I'm really curious.
Paige: Like what you wear when we go out to eat at night sometimes.
Me: Oh...okay. I got it.

So we go into the Family Dollar and Paige picks out her evening wear:


This morning, Paige woke up with a "scratchy froat" again and a little cough. I'm pretty sure it's just allergies, so I give her some Mucinex and tell her to go get in the shower - the steam will make her feel better. The entire time she's making her case for staying home. She gets a little pissed when I get her uniform out so that she can get dressed. She tells me she'd really like to have some house clothes and a house dress like Gammy. I don't know where she gets this shit! I asked her if she could find her robe and she answers: "that would be a no." WTH????? She put on her uniform, got ready and off we went to school. I forgot to fix her lunch so we stopped at the gas station in Garrett for a little Lunchable action and some Bug Juice. Thank God I have options - even if they are 15 minutes from the house!

Jeannie is on vacation this week. It's been okay so far, but I just don't know if I'll ever let her leave again. Jeannie is my guiding light; my life jacket in the sea of stupidity I swim in daily at T & B Demolition, LLC. I have no idea if payroll will get done this week. It's looking more and more likely that the guys are going to get handwritten checks! Ever since our software update/upgrade, I can't find a damn thing in American Contractor. I can write out checks faster than I can enter all of the info in the computer and print them out. I may give her a raise when she comes back :)

Meeting with three GP's/RR's two years ago at TICC when one of them wants to start their own Pod does not constitute talking to people about the realignment of regions two years later. Another answer I get to call "bullshit" on.

The 10th Annual Gingerbread House CCO is on the schedule! Make plans for February 5th-7th to come out to the Ellis Co. Expo Center and cook all weekend. This is a great cook off for a great charity (The Gingerbread House) and we are already planning to make this one our biggest and best! I'll be posting updates and reminders over the next few months.

I've decided on more ink! My husband has been after me for awhile to get a "tramp stamp", but I'm just not a fan of some weird tribal design on my lower back so that my husband gets turned on. I've come up with a design of sugar skulls and flowers to put across my lower back. I can't wait! I'm going to call Chris and set up a time to go see him and get started. I came up with this while floating peacefully down the Guadalupe River a few weeks ago :)

Charlie will be at The Granada Friday night. I don't think we're going. I believe we are going to take Paige to the Fair Friday and make an all day event out of it. I'll be too tired to go flirt with Charlie that evening :)

Pappas tomorrow night for Gammy's birthday. I'm looking forward to it. Even when I'm no carbing it, I can enjoy the divine deliciousness of Pappas. No, I won't be able to eat my beloved Skillet Potatoes...but I can still have the bacon wrapped scallops, the filet, and asparagus. I'm all over it.....

Oh! We got a Seghesio shipment yesterday and a bottle of Pinot Noir was in it. Yay!!!! I see a trip to Central Market in my future....gotta find something great to fix with the Pinot. We haven't had Sea Bass in a while or Rainbow Trout. I don't subscribe to the White wine w/ fish, Red wine w/ meat school of thought. I say drink what you like and then it will all come together! I drink red wine with almost everything. Most fish, in my opinion, can stand up to red wines - especially Sea Bass, Salmon and Steelhead Trout. Red wine also goes great with BBQ Chicken and Ribs....especially Zinfandels. They have a a lot of fruit in them and they complement the spiciness of the BBQ sauce.

I hope everyone has a great day! I'm looking forward to staying home this weekend. The landscapers came out yesterday and our flowerbeds look AWESOME! Thank you for pulling all of those weeds!!! The weather is supposed to be mild this weekend and that will give Gary and I a good opportunity to do some yard work. I'm also excited about our gate and fence that we are going to install. I've been meaning to cook, but I have been so busy that by the time I get home, I feed Paige and then I consume a liquid dinner. Hopefully I'll have some recipes to post after the weekend.

Spreading joy and kindness in ALL that I do....(and say!!)

The Cadillac Cowgirl

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