Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Conversations with Paige, Ramblings, and Other Serious Business.....

Last night on the way home, my daughter provided me with the following information:

"Mommy, I'm not going to birfalize because God made me a kid."

After asking Paige to repeat herself to make sure I knew what the hell she meant, we engaged in the following conversation:

Me: Well, I was a kid once and I grew up and had a baby. You won't stay a kid forever.
Paige: I know that.
Me: Uumm...then I'm not quite sure I understand.
Paige: I can't have babies in my stomach if I'm just a kid.
Me: That is correct. I'm glad you realize that. And you are going to be a kid for a long time.
Paige: So when will I be old enough to have kids?
Me: Well, that's kind of up to you and your husband. You make those sort of decisions together. Usually in your 20's or 30's.
Paige: Who says I'm going to have a husband? Why do I have to have a husband if God puts the baby in my tummy.
Me: You certainly don't have to have a husband to have a baby, but that's how most people do it. It's easier for God to put the baby in your tummy when there's a man involved.
Paige: I've had offers.
Me: Excuse me? Offers?
Paige: Yes, husband offers. The boys at school have been surrounding me and offering me $5 to marry them. I tell them not to crowd around me so much and I'm still thinking about it.
Me: You don't have to make a decision anytime soon. There's really no need for you to get married right now.
Paige: I know that. I've also told them they'll have to offer me more money if they want me to birfalize.
Me: Okay, Paige. That's great, just great.

I love my child, I love my child, I love my child. She seriously scares me sometimes. I don't know where she gets some of this stuff. It is truly frightening. Gary and I are so screwed.....

I'm tired today. I've gone to bed early the past few nights but I've still drug ass during the day. My dogs were on crack all night. Waylon kept pulling my alarm clock off the nightstand and trying to drag it under the bed. He succeeded in dragging one of Gary's boots under there and eating the boot strap. LOL....Waylon's a punk!!! Black Dog Fred, he of the bald spots, unbelievable water consumption and mad food obsession, is back at the vet being tested for Cushings Disease. That is a disease of the adrenal glands and it causes too much production of steroidal hormones...which explains the never ending appetite and need for water. They can give him a pill to treat it, Thank God. Poor Fred....all bald and mangy looking right now.

I want to take a moment and tout the benefits of spell check. While I am not exempt from a misspelled word or grammatical error, I do take every step I can in order to make sure I don't have an email, blog posting, or written communication rife with errors. Spell check should be EVERYONE'S BFF. I am always shocked at the amount of misspelled words I see on sites that get hundreds of hits a day. I know that you can't necessarily blame someone who is posting a blurb written by someone else if there are rampant mistakes, but when you don't check your own spelling and grammar, it just looks completely unprofessional. Jeannie and I are constantly spell checking and looking over our emails to make sure we aren't sending a communication full of grammatical mistakes and spelling errors. And honestly, if I'm given something to repost, I use spell check on it. Why should that person be embarrassed by misspelled words when they could be prevented by a quick click of the spell check? Ever heard of the saying "Cleanliness is next to Godliness"? Well, it is...and so is proper spelling and grammar....at least in my opinion :0)

Now I've probably forced people to, shudder, *roll eyes* at my egotistical rant on people who who don't spell check. Oh well...we all have our pet peeves...that just happens to be one of mine!!!

Now, on to serious business!
This is from Doris Coats:

We would like to invite you to participate in the 14th Annual Texas Holiday Chili-bration Chili Cookoff

This Saturday, November 20th, 3913 Main Street in Rowlett, TX

Jackpot Beans turn in 12:00 noon
CASI & Local Chili turn in 1:00 PM

Holiday Parade begins at 10:00 AM
Main Street will be closed to traffic at 9:00 AM for the parade

Benefiting the Amateur Community Theatre of Rowlett

For more information call Tom or Suzan Fulton 972-475-4330

Please go out and support the ACTOR and Bob and Doris this weekend. The weather is supposed to be very nice!

How is everyone's Thanksgiving planning coming along? We've got our menu ready and I just need to find time to do my grocery shopping. I'm looking forward to lots of delicious food next week!

If you are in the Waxahachie area this evening, please drop by the Gingerbread House located at 425 E. Ross for our NOW Pod November meeting. Tom Dozier and his Pepper will also be there and we will be discussing plans for the 10th Annual Gingerbread House CCO February 4-6 at the Ellis Co. Expo Center in Waxahachie.

Enjoy the rest of your day.....remember to spell check....HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!

Keepin it real.....


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