Wednesday, April 27, 2011

It's a Twister, It's a Twister!!!!!

Hey....what the hell did Ellis Co. do to piss off Mother Nature?!?!?!?!? The past few days have been a little on the scary side! Monday, Paige and I spent some quality time in the laundry room "folding laundry" while we had some wicked weather. Then yesterday, it came right over our house and we got caught in it on the way home. Technically, we could have gone straight to Karate, but I was mesmerized by the fascinating wall cloud heading towards my house and really, really wanted to get home and check on my dogs. We got on FM 660 and as soon as we went over the bridge, I pulled off the road so that I could take a picture of this amazing dark gray cloud that was circling and rotating and getting closer and closer to the ground. It was like there had been a huge explosion and this giant plume of smoke was billowing and getting bigger and bigger as it moved through the sky. As soon as we pulled over, the trees started bending over to the point that the tops were almost touching the ground. My Expedition started swaying back and forth and tree limbs, rocks, trash, etc all started to fly around and hit the vehicle. At that point, I took a picture and then got back onto FM 660. As I went left on Crisp Rd., a truck continued north on 660 towards Bristol and literally drove through this huge green swirling cloud of trees, chairs, trash and fence panels. It was like something out of the Wizard of Oz. It was so surreal. Paige and I hauled ass and as soon as we turned onto Chmelar, I realized I couldn't go any further because of the tree in the middle of the road. I backed up and we ended up at a neighbor's house. The trees were literally swirling and it just looked UGLY!! We stayed down the road for about 20 minutes and then we headed home. We haven't found any damage to our roof, but my trailers were all knocked off their blocks and their leaning on one another (totally classy redneck, there), a tree in the backyard snapped in two, our rocking chairs were blown over and there's just a bunch of debris that was blown all over the place. There are a lot of trees broken on Chmelar and Shankle Roads, but no houses were damaged. I'd say we are all very lucky. I'm ready for a break from the bad weather!!

I ordered bedding for my new trailer and I'm very excited. I've had my eye on this particular set for a while and it finally went on sale. Hell Yeah!! I've got to find fabric to re-cover the dinette cushions and to make curtains. I'm also going to take the sink out and replace it with a different sink....maybe a copper bowl? I've got lots of ideas and a few trips planned over the next few months so I'll have lots of opportunities to find great stuff for Pussywillow Rose!!

Paige has been ungrounded from the TV. When I informed her of this last night, the following conversation took place:

Me: Okay, P, you can go watch TV now.
Paige: You mean my shows?
Me: Yes.
Paige: Just to be clear - I can watch my shows now?
Me: Uh yeah...that's what I just said.
Paige: This is the most wonderful news. This is the best day ever. I get to watch TV until I get grounded again.
Me: Why don't you strive to not get grounded know...maybe be good and do what Mommy and Daddy tell you to.
Paige: Well, I'm going to try, but I'm not going to make any guarantees. There's no point in letting you think that I'll always be good when I know I might want to be bad every now and then.
Me: Sounds like a plan. Thanks for your honesty.

And off she went......

Monday, while we were "folding laundry", I asked her what all she learned about Easter and she says:

"Well, I watched The Ten Commandments. I know about Moses."

I told her that The Ten Commandments was one of my favorite movies, too and I love to watch it at Easter time, but that I was really interested to hear in what she learned in school during Easter season. She says:

"That there are ten commandments and that Moses freed his people. Mommy, do you know the ten commandments?"

I told her that I did and asked her if she knew them. She says to me:

"Not all of them, but I do know that when I say I'm not going to eat muffins during Lent, then I don't eat muffins during Lent. I think you need to think about doing better during Lent, Mommy. It's a command."

I was trying so hard not to laugh at her for being so funny, yet so serious at the same time that I couldn't even compose myself long enough to tell her that the Ten Commandments don't have anything to do with Lenten sacrifices and on top of that, they're called Commandments...not commands!!! I think I'm going to let her teacher deal with that one :)

I'm worried about all of my veggie plants and seeds after all of this rain. I'm sure they've had the hell beat out of them. I'll have to keep an eye on the pots with the lettuce and chive seeds and see how they do over the next week or so. Poor things!

I'll be mixing spices and getting my things together for Larry Joe Taylor this weekend. I'm going to forgo my usual breakfast casseroles in lieu of microwavable breakfast sandwiches! I'd rather spend that time sleeping in!!! The weather is supposed to be nice this weekend, too. I'll be glad when I can get down there, open up a Miller Light and RELAX!!! I mean, I can open up a beer at home, but it'll be more fun down there, right???

I went to Neiman Marcus last Friday. I like to walk around and look at all of the cool stuff. I prefer the one in downtown Dallas - the original one. It smells exactly like you would expect Neimans to smell - like Chanel No. 5, Baby!!! So, anyways, off I went to look at shoes. I've been debating on splurging on a pair of Christian Louboutins, Manolo's or Gucci shoes. I looked, and I looked. I drooled. I coveted. I was also realistic. In the summertime, I wear flip flops and shorts. When would I be able to wear a pair of $500 sandals? To a chili cook off? I don't think so. So, then I looked at pumps. And I debated the merits of an $800 shoe that would be worn with jeans and not seen very often. My dress up uniform is typically a pair of dark jeans and a top. In the summer I wear sandals or open toe heels and in the winter I wear boots. Same dilemma. How could I justify spending that kind of money on footwear that would hardly be seen. In the meantime, I took a picture of a pair of Chanel rainboots. Yes, Chanel RAINBOOTS.

Seriously? People actually wear Chanel rainboots. I discreetly turned them over to look at the price...there was none. I remained baffled. So, off I went to the area that I knew would make perfect sense:

The Handbags!!!!!

I methodically start at one end of the handbag section and slowly move through it while touching and making noises over each purse. I'm a bit of a clutch freak right now, so I was checking out all of the Lauren Merkin clutches and of course, the freakishly expensive Judith Leiber clutches. Did you know that Judith Leiber makes an Austrian Crystal Dachshund clutch? It's true...and for the bargain price of $5950.00, it can be yours. Yes, FIVE THOUSAND NINE HUNDRED FIFTY DOLLARS. That is unbelievable!!!!! Another little interesting tidbit....over the past forty years, Judith Leiber clutches have been carried by every First Lady at the Inaugral Ceremony. Cool huh!! I didn't hang out at the Judith Leiber case very long....LOL!!!I know that I'm always going to end up at the Gucci counter, so I save it for last. I have a Gucci Tribeca Satchel that I love and I've had to be very careful with it because the strap is a little weak and I tend to carry my whole life around in my purses. I've been on the hunt for a good spring/summer bag and I found one I loved, but it was out of my price range. I settled on a medium Gucci Speedy bag and a little coin wallet. But I wasn't finished yet. I made my way to the children's section next!

Now, this isn't a children's section like Target - where, for the record, my kid's clothes come from! (and mine too!!) They had the most beautiful Easter and 1st Communion dresses I had ever seen. I walked around and looked at all of the dresses and fru fru girl clothes and stumbled upon this:

And soon, it was mine. Paige loves it, of course :)

That was my Good Friday! It was fun to walk around and look at all of the over the top, out of my budget wonderful things at Neimans. I love that place. Maybe after I retire, I'll be one of those older women in all black working at Neimans. I could so get into that!!

Well, it's 2:05 pm and I guess I'm going to have to get back to work. I'm about to start stalking a GC who doesn't get into a hurry to deposit checks and write checks to the subs. I've never, ever understood that, so I have to temper myself when I call over there. It just drives me batshit crazy!!!!!!!

Enjoy your day....please know that my dogs are humping away in the spirit of Hump Day!!!

Spreading kindness and joy in all that I do.....


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