Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Random Tidbits From My Day......

What's that writing style called...you know...where you just start writing down everything that comes in your head?? Free association? I dunno...but whatever it's called, this blog for the next few minutes is going to resemble that style of writing.

One last comment/clarification about the Steve Nadeau vs. CASI Board issue and Jim Ezell's response - Yes, I added my comments, but other than criticizing the Board, I absolutely was not criticizing Jim or Steve. I have an immense amount of respect for Jim Ezell and everything he does for CASI. He has always been unbelievably kind and supportive of me and Gary and in no way would I ever, ever be disrespectful to him. I'm not backtracking or kissing ass after saying my peace, I'm just clarifying in the event I was too scathing and therefore misleading in my comments. I do not know Steve personally but respect anyone willing to put it all out there and say what needs to be said.

I have a miniature dachshund named Eddie. Many of you have met him. Eddie is, to be completely frank, ready to get it on. He is out of control and won't leave Waylon, the other MALE miniature dachshund in our home, alone for one minute. The moaning, and crying...the ear cleaning, the humping. It's just too much. I'm afraid to go to bed at night. Please, for the love of God. If you have a female weenie dog who's ready for a little action, contact me. Email me, call me collect, I don't care. This is getting out of hand.

Thank you to Roger Foltz for coming to our Pod meeting tonight. Roger comes to most of our meetings and I appreciate the fact that he is active in three of the Pods in the DFW area; Cowtown, TOT and our Pod, the NOW Pod. I really, really appreciate his support, advice and contributions. I hope he is re-elected to the Board. Yes, that Board...the one I get all worked up over from time to time.

My sister cracks me up. I bought dinner tonight and bless her heart, she wanted to repay the favor by buying my drinks and the round I bought for everyone else...hahaha, at the KJT Hall tonight. Poor girl pulls out her debit card and I told her, "They don't take debit cards here!!" So, I bought dinner...and drinks....LOL. It was just kind of funny when someone thanked me for the round and I didn't tell them Courtney was buying...I guess cause she really wasn't!!!

I just discovered my dogs eating something so important to me that I could make a very good case for putting them out in the wild this evening. Nooo...not my CrackBerry, a plant. My Eddie plant. Eddie was my uncle who passed away four years ago. Eddie was like one of my parents and I still miss him. I can't keep a houseplant alive to save my life, but I have kept my Eddie plant alive since he died and I will personally hurt anyone or anything that harms my Eddie plant in any form or fashion. I've called Gary and told him he better get home and get these little bastards ASAP.

Speaking of little bastards, I keep thinking it's raining outside, but no. It's Eddie...licking and licking and licking Waylon.

Sorry...I told ya'll this was going to be random and all over the place.

Paige had a spectacular first day of school. I'm so blessed to have a child who loves school and loves to learn. I hope she keeps that attitude - it will only help her in the long run. It was really sad without Sr. Lucy at the front door greeting all of her "babes". Everyone seemed excited to be back at school, but really sad at the same time. I'm so glad Paige goes there. I know I kind of flirted with the idea of putting her in public school over the summer, but St. Joseph is the absolute best place for her. We're lucky to have all of the wonderful people at St. Joseph in our lives - especially all the little ones. They are so loved there!

I guess that's my random, "free association" for this evening.

I'm tired, but I have to wait on my Cafe World food to be ready before I can go to bed. What a sad, sad life :)

I'm restless, but Eddie and Waylon got a hold of the one book I'm reading right now, so I don't have anything to read while I relax and fall asleep.

I'm afraid I've jinxed the rain by verbalizing my excitement over the lightning.

I asked an employee today if another employee under his supervision was trying to kill himself when he let a ceiling tile fall and slice his wrist and was disappointed when he said no. WTF kind of employer am I??? It was just one of those days at that point.

If my husband tells me one more f*cking time what I can and cannot say on this blog, I'm really going to embarass him. Budda won't be able to dial Gary's number fast enough. (Hahaha....love you Budda!!! Gary...not so much. Kidding, kidding....you know I love you!!)

I'm still rambling. I'm really leaving this time.

Good night all.....


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