Tuesday, August 3, 2010

The Evil Side of Tuesday......

Today sucked for some reason. I don't think it meant to...and I certainly didn't want it to, but it did. I know the weather isn't making things easier...it was extremely hot here today. I woke up at 5 am this morning with the most horrible headache. I took some Advil and went back to bed for a little bit. But I never seemed to shake it and I felt like crap all day. I hardly ever have a headache. I figure it was heat and ozone related. It's not like the air quality is top notch right now, either :)

I made progress in my office from hell and that seemed to make me feel a little bit better. My pile o'shit is getting smaller and more manageable. I feel like I'm accomplishing something. It's amazing what you can do when you aren't on Facebook....LOL!!!

Exciting news!! Blackberry is introducing a new phone August 12th. Yes, Yes, Yes!!!! I can't wait!!! I've been eligible for an upgrade but my PC inner child can't fathom the thought of having a Mac-like iPhone...haha!! That would be an AWESOME anniversary present, too. Gary....are you reading this??? Anyways, I can't wait until I can order the new CrackBerry. It made my day.

Here's what absolutely did not make my day and COMPLETELY SUCKS. A while back, I asked for everyone to keep someone close to Paige in your prayers. Today I received a note that our beloved Sister Lucy's cancer has spread and she will be returning to her Convent in Houston to receive radiation and any additional therapy that might slow the progress of her cancer. I've worried about this day because I knew that I couldn't let Paige go to school in two weeks expecting to see Sister Lucy and then not tell her why she wasn't there. Nor did I want to wait until the end to explain what had happened. So today, we had "the talk" and it was horrible and awful and everything you don't want to have to share with your child. Sister Lucy is the lifeblood of St. Joseph and I don't know how they will cope with this. I know that prayers and faith and love for her and one another will be their comfort, but it will still be so hard for all of them - especially the "little darlings". Until you've experienced Sister Lucy, you just can't understand what she brings to your child's life - or yours. I don't understand why this is happening to her and it was hard to explain to Paige. Paige loves Sister Lucy and I love her for what she's given to Paige. All we can do is pray for Sister and for God to take care of her the best way he can. With that said, it still doesn't make this any easier and it certainly doesn't guarantee the outcome we have all hoped for. I just want to do what I can for Paige and to help her deal with this the best way possible. Sister has been very private and has asked us to pray, but not to burden ourselves with worry....I don't believe I could ever be that gracious and that strong knowing what a battle I had ahead of me. She's a hell of a lady - and she loves her red wine. I know that there are a lot of parents right now who would do anything in their power to make this go away for her. I guess this is when you just have to rely on God and faith.

So, yeah...that's how my day went once we arrived back at the Brignon Compound. Paige seems to be holding up okay and I've been checking on her and asking her if she needs to talk. I've also vacuumed and cleaned the house...fun times. I really want to take a hot shower and get in bed with my book, "The Girl Who Kicked the Hornets Nest". It's the last book in the Millenium Trilogy. And oh...Daniel Craig will be playing Mickael Blomvkist, the journalist in the book who gets really naked and has lots of sex. YES!!! NAKED DANIEL CRAIG LADIES. HELL YEAH!!!! OMG...speaking of HOT, HOT, HOT....Alcide, Alcide, Alcide. For those of you who watch True Blood, you know who I'm talking about. For those of you unfortunate ladies who don't, you need to Google "Alcide Herveaux" and feast your eyes upon all I can describe as "f*ckalicious". Gary, if you are reading this, please do not get mad. I love you, but the man is hot. It's kind of the same thing you've got going on with Anne Hathaway. And Jenna Jameson. And Megan Fox. So, we're even...okay??

I'm sure a lot of people have been checking in to see if I've gone off on a tangent over the recent CASI situation that involved emails to the GP's about a rules violation, etc. I'm not going to get into it today because I want to gather more information before I say my peace. I will say that I did vote for sanctioning and I'm not going to punish a cook trying to promote CASI because I don't agree with why we are being asked to vote or the logic behind it. I believe rules are in place for a reason and yet I absolutely understand extenuating circumstances. Aside from that, I'm still trying to understand everything that led up to the vote being presented to the GP's and until I do, I'm going to withhold my opinion. (And there was much rejoicing in the land...hahahaha)

One of the things that I appreciate about CASI is that we are a group of very different, colorful and opinionated people who all see things differently. What I don't necessarily care for is the feeling I got when reading some of the replies referencing the people who voiced concern over why or what we were voting on were somehow the "villains" in the group. I know that chili is a hobby and that there are a lot of us, including myself, who do, at times, take it very seriously. I don't think that should be something to criticize, but something to respect. We are all volunteering our time, money, and energy to support something we care about and believe in. Each of us is going to interpret, respond and see things differently from one another. What isn't a big deal to one person may be a big deal to the next. That's what I think we need to understand and respect about one another. I know it's just a bowl of chili. And yes it's for charity. What we have to remember is that CASI chose to become this organization of rules, members and hierarchy. With that structure comes discussion, conflict and difference of opinions. If we keep our eyes on the prize, which is helping those in less fortunate situations than ourselves, then I think we will all be able to happily "agree to disagree". We're all doing this for the same reasons; we enjoy our friends, the fun, the beer, the good times, the food, the competition - you name it! I just don't think we all have to feel the same way about the different situations and issues that arise from time to time. That's the beauty of being such a colorful bunch of people, right???

Have a great evening....here's to a Happy Hump Day tomorrow!!


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