Friday, October 8, 2010


Thank you Baby Jesus...I didn't think Friday would ever get here :) I don't know about all of you, but I need a serious break from my life. I feel like a hamster running on one of those circle things that just keep going and going, but never go anywhere. I'm suffering from a SEVERE case of burnout...from work, home, not sleeping, always being gone, you name it. I wish I could hook up my little trailer and just GO! I need a week of nothing. I would even be happy with staying at my house for a week. I just can't seem to separate myself from work. I'm always working in some shape or form. I'm always on my CrackBerry with work emails. I feel like I'm in this rut of getting up (late, of course) after not sleeping worth a shit, rushing P to school, driving in craptastic traffic to the office, dealing with the insanity of T & B Demolition, picking up P, going to Karate, going home, cooking dinner, bathing P, homework with P, and then repeat. I don't want to sound like I'm complaining about my life - I know I have a great one. I just need some sort of reprieve...a chance to recharge my batteries that doesn't include going to a chili cook off for the weekend and then back home to unload, do dishes and wash clothes all on Sunday before the week starts over again. I'm sorry...I must sound like a whiny bitch this morning.

I guess I'm just feeling stressed out since the past week has been so depressing, expensive and stressful. Between Wyatt's injuries and hospital stay and Sr. Lucy's funeral, I'm worn out. Maybe hanging with the Ellis Co. crew this weekend will do the trick. If I can get through this weekend and next in Cleburne, then I have a two week window where I don't have to go anywhere or do anything. Here's hoping time flies!

Have a wonderful weekend everyone! Good luck to all of you cooking chili...I hope you kick ass and steal some points. I'm looking forward to coming back Monday in a better frame of mind :)

Spreading my own special brand of Joy and Kindness (even when I don't feel like it)........

The (Temporarily) Bitchy Cadillac Cowgirl

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