Thursday, October 14, 2010

Conversations with Paige....

Paige loves Dancing With The Stars. She is obsessed with the Tango; she thinks it's the "best dance" and tries to dance it at the house. So we're watching it the other night and I tell her it's bath time and she says this:

Paige: I can't take a bath yet; they're about to dance the Tango.
Me: Okay; but after the Tango, you have to bathe yourself.

The Tango begins......

Paige: Look Mommy, they're dancing the Tango. Look at the flames; they're dancing for the devil.
Me: What? Where the hell did you get that idea?
Paige: Because it's the dance of love. And love dances can be for the devil. Just look at those flames.
Me: Paige - who told you that? The Tango is not a bad dance.
Paige: No one told me that; it's one of my ideas that I have to get out before my head explodes. I know it's not a bad dance; but it's a love dance and sometimes, love dancing can get you in trouble.
Me: Good point.

She proceeded to do a version of her "Funder and Lightening" dance afterwards. I tried to record it but my battery was low. I'll be sure and record it next time and post it on here. We'll vote and see if she's conjuring the devil with her bad love dancing....LOL!!!

There's lots of great cook offs this weekend!! Cleburne Elks Lodge Saturday and Sunday; Stop, Drop and Roll at Bass Pro Shop in Grapevine on Saturday, and Mansfield Music Fest on Saturday. The weather is supposed to be beautiful this weekend, so get out and support those charities and steal some points! I'm taking the Cowgirl Cadillac to Cleburne this weekend for a MommyBaby camping trip with The Juicy. I put decals on my trailer and I think I'm going to put a real mattress in there instead of the blow up one I've had. I've also got to hang up my toilet paper holder and towel rack in my bathroom. It looks so good and I can't wait to take pictures of it! Now I can start on my Scotty and get it in tip top shape :)

Have a great day everyone!! It's almost Friday!


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