Thursday, October 21, 2010

Random Thoughts.....

Good Thursday morning! I'm so glad to see the backside of this week :) Just when I think things are getting more manageable, life reminds me why IT is in control of me and not the other way around! I know that everyone is buzzing about and getting ready for TICC. The screen door for the toy hauler made it in and Gary just needs to install it. I need to figure out the food situation for the week and do my grocery shopping, board some of the dogs, and get all of our chili stuff together and mix spices. That long ass, 10 hour trip will be here before we know it....FUN TIMES!!

I want to give a public shout out to my husband this morning. Yes, he drives me crazy. And yes, I like to keep him medicated :). I have to give him kudos, though. He makes and brings me my coffee every morning. He also loads up all of our chili stuff, and sets up and breaks down all of our stoves, etc. Last night, he cleaned out the pantry, refrigerator, and the freezer. In a shocking development, I discovered that I had shelves and a light in my freezer. Who knew?? Gary also cleaned the house while I cooked chili last weekend and had someone come clean it for me a few weekends before while I was cooking. So, even those these admissions make me sound like a spoiled, lazy wife, I'm willing to take the hit in order to thank my hubby for all to see. Thank you baby....I love you!

I am constantly amazed at the entitlement of others. I was actually bitched out by some of our employees last week for not paying more of their health insurance. These are also the same people who decline coverage, go to Parkland for free health care, and tell Parkland that we don't OFFER health care. Fortunately, these hospitals are wising up and contacting employers. Nothing gives me more pleasure than sending over the forms in which these jackasses have signed DECLINING the coverage offered to them. I know health care is expensive. It's not that I don't understand the financial burden of carrying it and trying to pay for it - I do. But I don't have to offer it first of all. And second of all, I don't have to pay for any of it. So, it really, really pisses me off when I pay $36,000 a year, yes you read that correctly, for our employees health care and they are bitching at me because they have to pay $28 a week. Do the math....I'm thinking they are coming out a hell of a lot better than I am in this deal. Assholes.

There is a sign that says,"Anyone who thinks natural childbirth is over-rated never owned their own business." I couldn't agree more. Yes, it has it's perks and it has been wonderful to me and Gary. Still, the headaches that come with it are pretty constant. You never know when stupidity is going to strike!

That's my bitch session (I think) for the day. I can't really think of anything else I'm pissy about...I think I addressed that on Tuesday!

I'm worried about my little Juicy. She's still so upset over Sister Lucy. She told me last night that she didn't get to hug her and tell her goodbye. Paige is real big on goodbyes and closure. I keep reminding her that she told her goodbye when she was still at school and that she can talk to Sister Lucy anytime she wants. I'm kind of at a loss with this one. Suggestions?

Starbucks has a bacon, Gouda and egg breakfast sandwich. It's pretty damn tasty! So is the reduced fat turkey bacon breakfast sandwich.

I haven't really cooked this week....I've been a total slacker. I made breakfast for dinner last night and Paige was all over that. I'm sure I'll cook this weekend and have a recipe to share.

Have a great day! Keep it real!


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