Saturday, July 28, 2012

Pioneer Woman, You Can Kiss My Barefoot Contessa Lovin Ass!!

Wow!!!  Strong words from my usually scandal free blog these days.....

I miss those days.  Typing what came into my head and usually out of my mouth.  Pissing people off with just a few well placed and sometimes passive aggressive barbs....

The good old days.

But alas, I have had to curb my sharp tongue and partner in crime fingers when communicating orally and in the written word.  That's okay.  It really hasn't been all that terrible - I just like to complain about it every now and then.

Back to my bold statement about the Pioneer Woman, aka Ree Drummond.  I do admit to making and recreating some of her recipes and owning her first cookbook.  I actually liked her a few years ago, but then I became put off by her (wow - do we have something in common or what?!?!?!).  I'm a big proponent of "owning it".  Whether it be your bitchiness, your lifestyle, whatever...I just don't do well with fake people (as professed in several previous blog posts).  I have a serious problem with someone who wants people to think she's an isolated little ranch wife with limited resources when in fact she's married to one of the wealthiest cattle ranchers in the US, lives in a huge home along with a separate ranch house she's completely renovated, is highly educated, shops at Neimans, owns several pairs of Lucchese boots and uses La Mer facial cream. 

Now, I know some of you are asking, "Jesus - so what?  Jealous?"

That's an easy assumption; but, no, it's not that.  Had it not been for a few well placed posts on her blog and people on the internet searching about her and her husband, most people might still be under the assumption that she's got a rough ranch life.  WHATEVER!!  I'd have more respect for her if she owned up to those things about herself instead of leading people to believe she's isolated (only in terms of location) and not at all schooled in the finer things in life.

This leads me to the rest of my title, The Barefoot Contessa, aka Ina Garten.

I KNOW she's polarizing.  But at least you know why you do or don't like her.  There's no public vs. private persona with her.  She lives in the Hamptons and has an apartment on the Left Bank in Paris.  She built a party barn kitchen and regularly features her Hamptons lifestyle and likeminded friends on her show.  You see her driving her Mercedes and BMW through the Hamptons while she goes shopping at the cheese shops, butcher shops and seafood stores of East Hampton.  Her husband, Jeffrey, sits on the board of Aetna.  THE WOMAN IS LOADED AND SHE OWNS IT.

So there you have it - my side in the Hamptons vs. Middle America debate.  I am clearly an Ina Garten apologist....LOL!  My husband is not big on her, but he realizes 90% of the food he eats is inspired by her.  Whether I have something in common with someone or not, I want to at least know that there is authenticity to them.  Don't we all, really?  I believe we all want to know who and what we're dealing with....the very basic interpretation of "what you see is what you get", right?

Okay, enough for my rant.  I just had to get that off my chest.  I know that my food style can be more Pioneer Woman than Barefoot Contessa at times, but I always strive to serve my casseroles with an East Hampton flair :)

Conversations with has not disappointed lately.  As witnessed by my sister last Wednesday:

Paige:  Mommy, what is the Adult DVD store?

Neither of us answered her.  Not when she asked us the first time.  Not when she asked us the fifth time.  I am not having that conversation with my 8 year old.  Ever.  Period.

One of Paige's friends spent the night with her and Paige complained about her "sexy feeling in her throat".  I told her before they went to bed I'd give her one of her Tums.  She turned to her friend and completely straight faced asked her:

"Have you thrown up in your mouth today?  My mommy has something you can take if you have."

Her friend looked at her like she was a wacko!!

Speaking of wacko, Paige also told her friend that I like to call her a crackhead.  Please, please, please, Paige....don't tell your friends shit like that.  It gets back to their moms......

Paige:  Mommy, Abby and I are going to own a fashion design company when we grow up.
Me:  That's awesome.
Paige:  Do you want to know what we are going to call it?
Me:  I'd love to.
Paige:  Shimmer and Shine, because the women who wear our clothes will shimmer and shine in our designs.
Me:  Oh Paige, that's wonderful (trying to keep a straight face)
Paige:  Yeah, I know.  And I'll make clothes for you.  They'll be so shiny.  I'll even make them big enough to fit your, you know.....(pointing to her chest).
Me:  Thanks Paige, that's great.
Paige:  I know.  That'll be a lot of fabric.
Me:  smiling.....just smiling :)

My blog post keeps being interrupted by my having to remind Gary of conversations we had last night.  He was a tad overserved at the Hall.  Imagine that.  It's kind of funny actually.

I mopped and cleaned the kitchen yesterday evening.  Today I'm going to dedicate myself to the laundry.  I had Gary string up a FANTABULOUS redneck clothesline for me in the backyard.  It helps speed up the laundry process and it's very eco and energy friendly.  I personally like to line dry sheets and blankets and it's also great to use so you can go ahead and hang up shirts instead of hanging them up out of the dryer.  That is where I fail in my battle against the evil laundry trolls.  I will do the laundry to the extent of washing it and throwing it the dryer, but I hate, hate, hate putting the shit up.  And no one else around here does it, so unless I do it, it doesn't get done.  Read:  laundry doesn't get done!!!

We took all three kids and seven of Tyler's buddies to float the river last weekend.  We stayed at Lazy L and L on the Guadalupe and loved it.  It's just a perfect place to stay and the staff is wonderful.  Our 3 hour float turned into a 6 hour float (theme from Gilligan's Island comes to mind) and it was fantastic!!  Everyone had such a great time and we even managed to squeeze in a trip to the Gristmill.  Hell yeah!!!!

Have a wonderful weekend everyone.  Stay cool and keep it spicy!!!

The Spice Mistress


  1. Welcome to the reality frontier. Love Ina Garten, what you see is what you get and she doesn't pretend to be anything other than herself. Unlike the insecure Ree Drummond who hires publicists and talent scouts to promote her "little 'ol ranch wife" crap all while making sure everyone thinks Bartlesville, OK is some cultural enclave. Yeah right, the Hamptons it's not. Hell, Tulsa and Oklahoma City are more cultured than Ree's reinvented Bartlesville.

    Have you heard? The Pioneer Woman's currently embroiled in yet another plagiarism scandal, the second in six months, and has yet offer an explanation much less a public apology to the offended party. The Marlboro Woman website has all the details.

    Don't know if you've had the misfortune to watch the low-brow PW show. Ree has tried in vein to copy Ina's mannerisms right down to the scenes filmed in the car. Damn, Ree Drummond has never had an original idea, she simply copies everyone else's. Even her blog was copied from Deb Perelman's Smitten Kitchen.

  2. The Marlboro woman's twitter account asks "Whose behind the fake pioneer woman"? I saw a post on the website "The mother of all black ops" from Sept 11, 2015, which says she is being used by our "shadow" government to prematurely kill off Americans to keep the population down (with all the high sugar recipies). Don't laugh. Look up "MK-ULTRA" and the symbols associated with it. I have deep suspicions about Ree. Look up butterflies, and mk-ultra mind control and you will agree with me. Her blog became too big, too fast, she got too successful too fast, with no talent, no good looks, for it to happen by itself. Even with high ambition, and a rich husband helping her, it would be so difficult to reach a high level, it is unlikely she did it without someone (or "something" behind her). There is something being hidden, her rise is just too unlikely to have happened by luck or hard work alone!

  3. I wanted to add that the "pioneer woman recipies" if you can call them that, are very poorly written. The "Pioneer Woman website" is also poorly written, and childish. Most of the "Ree Drummond recipies" are stolen from other cookbooks."Food Network/Pioneer Woman" is a joke.

  4. About Ree, most of her products are made in China. How patriotic!! Her husband and father in law own both a bank, and a pharmaceutical company, "Golden pharmacuticals" which made the dangerous withdrawn diet drug phen-fen. They are being sued by 46 people over it. If you read her posts, it seems as if more than one person is writing it (different writing styles). She never mentions having been in a sorority at UCLA. On one early post, in the very beginning, she said that she smoked marijuana at UCLA. Little Miss wholesome was a druggie. Most of her fans are right wing fundamentalist Christian Republicans who support the "tough on crime, lock um up" politicians. Her cousin Thatcher Drummond was arrested for punching a state trooper in the face and possessing both pot and drug paraphernalia. I wonder what the middle American dupes who love her would think of that. I do not judge people with substance abuse problems, it is just these people are lying about themselves. It is rumored that Ladd had a love child before he was married, and this is never ever mentioned. Ladd's great grandfather stole much of the land they own from the Osage Indians (look up headrights). Ladd and Ree host big fancy dinner parties for all the area judges. These same judges regularly dismiss the family's speeding tickets. Ree's mom was made mother of the year for Tennessee in 2012, and Ree never mentioned this at that time, or any other time. It is obvious her mom, Gerre Schwert, was picked due to Ree's power. Her mom may be a nice woman, but there are so many other moms who deserve it more. This family panders both to the lowest common denominator viewer, and to the flag wav'in Christian who are not smart enough to see through their lies. The more you look into this woman, the more it seems like it is going down a rabbit hole in Alice in wonderland. Don't just google "Ree Drummond fake" or "Pioneer woman fraud" or "pioneer woman unhealthy recipies" but look at the websites that expose her pioneer womansux the Marlboro woman etc. Ree might be an MK-Ultra mind control victim. There is enough about this for it to be a possibility. Do research on the mk ultra mind control programs, and the signs one would display if you were a victim. Butterflies are one, and they are/were all over her website. Her first run pot lids had butterflies for handles, but this was changed after it was noted on a conspiracy blog. All of this shows how calculating, greedy, and different they are in real life from there carefully crafted image.

  5. How funny! I actually found this post because I have always felt the fake ness of the Pioneer Woman show on the Food Network my thought process was why I never saw her kiss her husband on the show as a matter of fact they don’t even seem to like each other very much and I found this info thanks for the transparency
