Tuesday, March 23, 2010

The Dentist

Paige had a dentist appointment this morning. Her teeth look great; no cavities. Her overbite is a different story. The thumb sucking is at the "critical" stage. Our dentist told me it was time to take her to the orthodontist and have them fit her with a soft pallet plate to prevent her from getting any suction while sucking the thumb. Even better, it's got a small spike on it to aid the child in breaking the bad habit. I love it!!! I don't want to hear any shit, people. I'm not a cruel mommy. This baby has GOT to stop sucking her thumb. her overbite is out of control. She sucks it while talking, watching TV, doing school work. I was hoping peer pressure would sway her, but that hasn't helped. No one wants to shake or hold her hand during Mass because of her wet thumb. So she just shakes hands with her left hand now! Plus her breath is atrocious...still, no luck. I think this is a good thing and she's going to be just fine. I've tried everything. Positive reinforcement, ignoring the thumb sucking, talking to her about being a "big girl." That shit doesn't work...neither does telling her Dr. Redington is going to cut it off. Yep, I've told her that :) It's very frustrating...LOL!!

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