Thursday, October 18, 2012


One of the reasons I don't blog as much is because I have to watch my mouth.  If I can't express my opinion on MY BLOG, then it really isn't a whole lot of fun.  I'm always being told that I can't write this, I can't write that.  Well, bullshit.  If someone doesn't like what I write, then don't read it.  I always crack up at people who listen to or read opinions that do nothing but inflame them, then get upset about what the person said or wrote.  If you know you are going to be pissed off by it, why subject yourself to it?  It's like political talk shows.  I can't stand them, they're ridiculous and quite frankly, I'm tired of actors and celebrities being asked their opinion on the state of our country and the world.  So guess what?  I don't subscribe to them - on TV or in print.  That way, I don't get worked up over something that I know I drives me crazy.  But that's just me.  And that is my rant for this morning :)

I made the mistake of drinking Starbucks coffee the past two days.  And not just the coffee, but venti Americanos with an extra shot.  I couldn't figure out why my pancreas was so jacked up....and then it hit me.  Ahhh....not so bright there, Spice Mistress.  Not so bright at all!

I'm worried about Paige's obsession with TV.  She has a hard time making good choices when it comes to TV and reading, or school work in general.  Monday night I told her that she was going to have to go back to her no television schedule Sun-Thurs because she wasn't reading in the evenings.  You would have thought I told her Lollipop had died or something.  She means well, and she's not a bad kid AT ALL, but she has a serious love (a love hunger, if you will) for the TV.  Tyler was the same way.

There is to be a meeting of the owners of T&B Demolition at some point today.  Of course, only three of the owners will be present because of them wouldn't deign to be involved with all of us.  I mean, if you don't read a set of plans correctly and don't walk a job prior to bidding it, how can you be surprised when it doesn't make any money?  And cutting costs doesn't mean cutting the 20 hour work week of one person to 16 hours...because, you know, that's really going to make a difference.  No, you cut the hours of the dead weight douchebag that doesn't work and spends his time fishing and going to titty bars instead of running the field like he's supposed to.  But hey - that's just me and I obviously don't know a damn thing about running a business :)

For someone pissed off that she can't write what she wants on her own blog, I just kind of did, didn't I?!?!?!?!?

On a MUCH lighter note - Paige's 4th Annual Spooky Halloween contest is next weekend and then it'll be time for TERLINGUA!!!  It has been so busy at the store and I've got so many spices and blends to talk about....that's going to be my goal.....blogging once a day and talking about one of my spices.  That should keep me blogging and sort of out of trouble. 

And just in case you all didn't know.....our spices are the freshest you can get your hands on.  They stay in the walk in cooler until ordered and then they are packaged.  You can't get our blends anywhere else....our recipes our proprietary and can't be sold to, blended for or sold by anyone else - regardless of what you might have heard or been told.  Quality is key when it comes to spices and you won't find a higher quality product anywhere else :)

Have a fantabulous day!  I'm going to get back to my spices and do what I do best...spread my own special brand of kindness and joy and the unmistakable aroma of some really kick ass cumin!!

The Spice Mistress


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