Tuesday, May 11, 2010

I Had No Idea I Started Armageddon.....

Okay, I didn't realize I was going to start such a shit storm over my Dr. Ray blog post. Please read it in it's entirety. Yes, I called out two individuals I felt were completely out of line. And yes, I stand by what I said. But this is about more than the Stewarts and their incessent bitching. It's about why we cook chili, and why we spend our weekends in the cold and the heat doing something we enjoy with some really special people. No one is cheating and no one is breaking the rules. But there are far too many people out there trying to make chili suck for those who want to enjoy the competition and the fellowship of their friends.

Whether you agree with me or not is your right. Everyone has a right to their opinion and never have I expected anyone to agree with me, or anyone else, all the time. I know I tell it like it is and sometimes I offend people. However, emailing and calling people who do not agree with you is childish. In the real world, you can't be the only one raising hell. You have to understand everyone has a right to make a lot of noise whether it jives with your opinions or not.

I doubt this is the last I hear about this and if that's the case, so be it. I said it, I meant it and I know I'm coming from an honest place. I'm not going to have my integrity or that of my husband's questioned because of sour grapes. It's a friggin pot of chili and we should all be thankful that we still have two feet, the ability to get around and good health. And on the flip side, we should be happy for someone like Ray Calhoun who loves chili and just wants to keep cooking. I'll do whatever I can to help anyone who still wants to get out when they're 76 years old and kick some chili ass.

Let's remember why we cook chili.....it's not about winning, or losing. It's about doing something we love and helping not only charities, but each other. Maybe we could all learn a lesson from Dr. Ray. I know that I've learned a lot about selflessness and compassion from my husband and a never give up attitude from Dr. Ray. If helping him is wrong, then I'm proud to be wrong and I'll keep doing it.

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