Tuesday, September 17, 2013

With Friends Like These, Who in the HELL Needs Enemies?!?!?!?!

This was the title of my original blog post this morning.  My scathing, name calling, douchebaggery behavior-outing blog post that Sheriff Gary made me delete.

It was REALLY fun while it stayed up all of 3 minutes.

Man, I sure do miss those days of calling people out and letting the blogosphere know the little things...like what I really do know, even though I choose to keep my mouth shut.  I know what people say about me behind my back.  I know not to trust the people who tell me to my face that I can trust them and they're our friends.  Hell, they're the biggest offenders!  I especially appreciate the ones that ask me for or about something then lie to my face as to why they're asking.

All because someone (not me, thank God) sent a text message meant for someone else about me (to me!!!  How did I get so lucky?!?!?!?!?!) at 5:30 this morning.  Clarity - even pre-caffeine - is a beautiful thing.  I love it when people show me their true colors and I no longer have to feel guilty for thinking the worst about someone.  Goes to show my gut is always spot on and I was right all along.  Best part - that faux pas saved us $240 a month on housecleaning services......

Something else I've been right about - my child!  All it took was a different style of learning and she is back on the math track!  She killed her test yesterday!  I am so proud of her and can't tell her enough how excited I am that she's got her math groove back.  It's my job to make sure my child has enough self confidence for 50 people in order to help her get through life.  I want Paige to know that she can do anything she puts her mind to.  I don't want her to suffer from low self esteem and self doubt.  I want her to shine no matter what.  I have enjoyed watching her gain back her confidence the last few weeks.

Regardless of the DB's in my life, I have so many incredible things to be thankful for....TJoL&D, homeschooling, orders, orders, orders, my AMAZING customers, our small group of friends that really aren't trying to screw us, my wonderful Sister on the Fly friends (partners in moonshine crime) my dogs, goats, egg producing hens, my family and even Sheriff Gary.  Thank you Lord for the blessings and lessons you bestow on me and my family every day!  This wasn't the most positive post and it might seem that I'm a negative, believe only the bad in people kind of person.  I'll be completely honest - I can be and I struggle with that every day.  I don't want to be that person any more.  I want to have a life full of positivity and love and NO DRAMA!!  If that means I keep my mouth shut even though I don't want to, then so be it.  But, if it also means I stand up for myself, my family and my business when it needs to be done, then you can bet your ass I'm going to do that as well.  There's being a bitch because you can be (totally guilty of that) and being a pushover.  You have to find a middle ground and not let people fuck with you because they think you're weak.  But, you also can't be an overbearing bitch because you don't want people to jack with you.  Such a delicate balance :)

I'm back to blending powders - also a delicate balance.  Thank you Lord for the mouth (literally and figuratively) you have given me.  Oh the things my mouth can do.

Wow - that sounded nasty!  Get your pervy minds out of the gutter :)

Spreading my own special brand of kindness, joy and dark chili powder today.....

The Spice Mistress

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