Wednesday, August 10, 2011

The Deliciousness That Is "The Paige"

Paige: Mommy, do you know that I know everything? Like, there is no question that I can't answer because I know it all. And if I don't know it, then I guess. And you know what? My guesses are always right because they come from my mind, which is full of the right answers.

Paige: Mommy, why do you need your computer fixed?
Me: I don't; Daddy and I were just having a conversation about if I needed it fixed in the future.
Paige: Oh. Well, you know, only experts can fix things and you are clearly not an expert. I'm an expert because I can figure out anything. You and Daddy, not really.
Me: Thank you, Paige.

Paige: Mommy, we just passed the Donut Palace. I'd like to be their Queen. If I was their Queen, they'd have to give me donuts all the time. That's a palace I could live in forever.

Have a great day....and just when you think you've got it tough, remember, you've got it easier than Paige. She's a genius, expert computer fixin, donut eating Queen. That's a lot of pressure for a seven year old.


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