Wednesday, December 22, 2010


It's almost here...the end of the debt ridden holiday season!

How is everyone's week so far? Everyone finished with their shopping? Hell no....LOL!!! I think I'm finished...I'll have to double check. I do need to go grocery shopping for this weekend's feasts! I'm really looking forward to taking off Friday and staying home in my pj's, listening to Christmas music, cooking and drinking wine...ALL DAY LONG!!!!! Oh, and Christmas Eve Mass....LOL!!

So, I've been on the hunt for the perfect pillow. I wake up every morning with a headache and I've determined it's my pillow. I've tried firm, down, memory foam, tempurpedic knock off, crappy pillow, no name it, my head has laid on it. Last night I spent some quality time at Bed, Bath and Beyond (my budget) and I think I found a winner. It's a firm down pillow and I woke up this morning headache free! Yay!! We also bought a new featherbed for our semi new mattress and I think that made a difference, too. Hopefully this is the beginning of a better night's sleep for me! I sleep with the snorer FROM HELL. I wear earplugs and I can still hear him. I can have my earplugs in, bedroom door shut and Gary banished to the living room and I STILL hear him. Tyler hears him does Paige....I have witnesses.

Paige had her very first dental procedure involving laughing gas yesterday and she was not impressed:

Paige: Mommy, what does laughing gas do?
Me: It makes you relaxed and happy.
Paige: Okay......

An hour later:

Paige: Mommy, was that laughing gas supposed to make me happy?
Me: It was supposed to, why?
Paige: Because I'm not any happier than when I woke up this morning. I didn't feel happy at all. They should call it boring gas.

Kid drives a hard bargain when it comes to mood altering drugs! I feel sure she'll let the dentist know next time to turn it up a bit for her :)

I bought Paige some Justin Beiber pj's for her birthday. She wore them the other night and when she put them on, I saw that "Beiber" was written across her ass. I became physically ill. Can you imagine walking around with "Beiber" on your ass? She loved it, of course. She also drew a picture of them holding hands. Gag.

That's what I've had going on the last week. Christmas shopping, work from hell, more Christmas shopping, more T & B Hell, you get the picture. We did have an OUTSTANDING NOW Pod Christmas Party last Saturday at our house. There was a ton of food and everyone had a great time. It didn't hurt that the cocktails were going down easy, either! Last year, I hoped very loudly that 2010 would be better than 2009. Here's to hoping that 2011 will be better than 2010. The years are getting marginally better....I think I might make it.

I will have recipes to post either this weekend or Monday. I hope everyone has a wonderful Christmas and is surrounded by their friends, family and lots of love. I know I will be.

Spreading my own special brand of joy and kindness......


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