Thursday, December 16, 2010

Always The Last To Know....And Other Observations....

Were any of you aware that Christmas Eve is basically a week away? I had no idea; no one told me it was coming so soon. :) Right?? Is anyone else horribly ill prepared for the holiday that comes the same time every year? I thought I had two more weeks until some poor fool informed me last night that I don't, in fact, have two weeks and I'm going to have to get off my ass and get to shopping.

I love Christmas, but I DETEST this time of year. Receivables are slow, people are cranky from all of the junk food they won't stop consuming, traffic is horrible and there is always somewhere you have to be or something you have to buy. It just wears me the hell out. We've got a great Christmas Eve meal and Christmas Day brunch planned, so I'm looking forward to next Friday and Saturday...if I can just survive until then :) I hope it's sort of cold so that I can have a fire going in the fireplace Christmas morning....that always makes me happy! I will have recipes to share as well, especially for Christmas Eve.

It's very interesting, to me at least, that when I make a comment about CASI it's viewed as, "Kelly's on us again." (not my words...someone else's) I guess that reiterates my opinion that CASI only wants to hear praise, never matter how relevant or constructive it might be. CASI is just like any other organization and/or business in existence - there is ALWAYS room for improvement. Why does it seem that only the ones really lobbying for the improvement believe that while the individuals in the position to really lead the changes balk at the mere thought of innovation? There is more than one way to lead a horse to water...and get the same results. Why is that so hard for CASI to grasp? Is it because it still tries to hold on to how things used to be done? Is it because the membership really does have too much of a voice? That sounds really, really bizarre coming from me, doesn't it? Let me a business owner, input from my employees is important. However, we have rules and regulations that must remain consistent in order for our business to operate smoothly and with as little trouble as possible. I personally believe the best thing that could happen to CASI would be an overhaul of it's structure. Twenty-something years ago, the membership got together and worked to form a structure that was in the best interest of CASI at the time. Well, times have changed and maybe it's time for the present membership to work with the Board to revamp the structure and culture of CASI to make it more attractive in order to increase it's popularity. Maybe it's time to change how CASI is structured and operates. I feel as if CASI envisions itself as this large, somewhat global, charitable organization. If that is what it wants to be, then it's going to have to evolve in a way that will allow it to actually function as one on ALL levels...not just where it's convenient. I'm on a committee that is attempting to come up with a CASI policy. While I appreciate being asked to serve on this committee, I sometimes wonder why CASI has all of these committees. If there are straightforward by-laws and rules, and a BOD that enforces them...then why is there a need for a committee? It's like the Rules Committee. What does that really serve? If a rule has been broken, why does a committee have to submit a recommendation to the Board for action against that particular cook off or referee? Rules are not a bad thing. Enforcing them, and having consistent structure, isn't terrible, either. Maybe instead of forming a bunch of committees to recommend how the rules should be enforced, have clear cut rules that are followed by everyone, enforced by the Directors, and move on with a happy membership that knows what is and isn't acceptable...all of the time, for everyone and every cook off.

So, if the above statements are seen as "being on us again", then maybe "us" needs to put their big girl and big boy panties on and deal with it. Take the good with the bad, the criticism with the praise. The shit with the sunshine :)

The NOW Pod Christmas Party will be held at the Brignon Compound this Saturday. We're giving the Haskovecs a break this year and having it at our place. I thought about cooking this weekend in Temple with Tom and Sam, but I really need to finish Christmas Shopping. I'm so behind it's not even funny. I have managed to buy Eddie and Waylon new beds for Christmas. They are each getting their own burrow bed. I want to buy them a toddler bed in hopes that they will sleep in it instead of taking over my bed. You don't realize how much room 24 inches of weenie can take up :) Seriously....those small dogs can take up an entire bed! But they're so sweet....and so warm....they really are great sleeping buddies!

Fred is still doing really well. His chemo has been cut back and his water consumption has decreased. Now if we can just get some of the extra weight off of him. Wyatt has made a full recovery as well. And, he's a much happier dog. I guess that's what happens when you get your ass handed to you....sort of an attitude adjustment. He's also been taking Rimadyl for his hip dysplasia and that has also made a difference. I'm glad he's okay and I'm really glad his hips aren't causing him any more pain!

The next time my number is called for 1st Place Beans, I'm not going to claim it. Every time I win beans, I don't do shit in chili!! I just need three more points. I couldn't BUY a point last weekend....LOL!! Dr. Ray is back on the chili trail and he placed in both CASI and Elks at the Irving Elks Lodge last weekend. Hell Yeah!

I'm going to get back to

Spreading my own special brand of kindness and joy...fa la la la la.....


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