Wednesday, May 12, 2010

My Blog

I didn't know that you couldn't make comments directly on my I went in and did some checking and changed the settings. Feel free to let loose....maybe we'll keep the Facebook-osphere clear in the meantime :)

I would like to say thank you to everyone for voicing their opinion on the subject of Dr. Ray and helping him out to the varying degrees that we all feel are acceptable. I must say I had no idea it would be such a decisive subject; nor did I understand the weight of my comments regarding the Stewarts. Regardless of whether or not they were the only ones who said something regarding Dr. Ray and his chili, I feel that anyone who has a problem with cooks helping other cooks really need to re-think their priorities and why they cook chili. It's almost like this has turned into people's livelihood and not their hobby. Yes, we have rules and I believe they should be followed. This has gone beyond following the rules and has, whether intended to or not, turned into something else for some of the less than happy cooks to focus on as a means to take away from the good that goes on within CASI.

I would like to say one more thing regarding this issue. I feel very strongly about the constant backbiting and bickering that goes on in the chili world. Everyone is going to complain; that's human nature and you can't please everyone. Enough is enough. There is always someone who just won't stop bitching about how something is being done, or not done. I'm all for criticizing and complaining - but as a means to and end. As a way to talk through a situation so that a solution can be found. When was the last time you saw a group of cooks have a lively discussion with the intent on finding a positive outcome? I can't remember the last time I saw anything of the kind...nowadays all you hear is bitching and complaining about anyone and anything. I don't believe there is any place for that in an organization that markets itself as "Chili, Charity, and Fun". I don't think that Board Members should push sponsor products, and I certainly don't like how cook offs are scheduled. We all have a beef with something about CASI and we all voice our displeasure. But the personalization of the bickering is what I don't want any part of. It's not why I started cooking chili and in my opinion, it has no place in the chili world. When you are so wrapped up with a pot of chili that you start a fuss about 76 year old Ray Calhoun getting help and kicking ass, it's time to look at yourself in the mirror and ask yourself what YOUR problem is.

I hope everyone has a good week and good weekend. Good luck to all of you cooking chili this weekend.


  1. Maybe I don't have a real voice in this,because I am not a chili cook. But I love all my chili friends and we enjoy participating at the cookoffs through socializing and helping to raise money for charity. Believe me, we hear our share of the bitching. And we come to the defense of those falsly accused. No matter who it is.
    -Carole Rankin

  2. I "help" whoever I can and don't really care where I place at the end of the day. If the person I "help" places... I feel like I won just as much as they did. I'm their biggest cheerleader. I go for the cold beer and friends and support the days charity. Some people need to look in the mirror and stop bitching about "everything" and causing drama. So glad I'm not living in the Dallas area. I wouldn't be putting up with that shit. All my cooks in my area are family. We love each other, "help" each other, and shake hands of the winner at the end of the day. The way it should be!! You had every right to speak up about this. Looking at the FB responses..... everyone is in your corner.

  3. Thanks Gals...ya'll mean a lot to me :)

  4. I still say Kudos to you and Gary for all you've done for Dr. Ray!

  5. I agree on the kudos for helping doctor Ray, I am a good person, but do not help others as much as I should. I have had my share of incidences with some at cookoffs and I choose to be around positive people and screw everyone else. If you don't like me and mine, well then too bad for you.
