Thursday, May 20, 2010

Hello Thursday

Good Morning All...we've only got one day left and then it's FRIDAY!!!!! Paige had her Spring Program last night and as always, the kids of St Joseph were highly entertaining. I took some pictures of her "posing" in her rain poncho and hat. She's such a delicious little kid....I just love her!

Not cooking this weekend...we're going to stay around the house and do yard work...woo hoo!! Gary is putting up a pergola in the backyard and I need to plant the rest of the Lantana I bought and some more herbs. I need to work in my herb garden; it's struggling this year. I also have a huge garden arch I need to put up as well. I'm looking forward to staying home this weekend. Next weekend we will venture to Devol, Oklahoma for SW Open. I hope this year is better than last. This time last year, I was in the throes of a pancreatic meltdown. Memorial Day weekend was when I was diagnosed with pancreatitis, then suspected of pancreatic cancer, and then back to pancreatitis. That was one of the worst two weeks of my life...the not knowing. Now I just have to watch my food and beverage consumption...which to me means that I watch out for my wine glass and make sure that it never gets empty :) Seriously, though...I do have to watch what I eat and drink as my pancreas doesn't work like it should and can get freaked out very easily. You have to give props to the pancreas. It works behind the scenes, digesting food all your life...over and over and over again. It's constantly working, and usually very reliably. You never hear one word about the pancreas until it malfunctions. As someone with a crappy one, let me advise you to be very thankful of your hardworking, never complaining pancreas. Conventional wisdom would allow you to believe that it's your liver that gets all of the abuse from lots of adult beverages. That's true, but the pancreas does too...and it can really 'eff you up should you choose to abuse it. Just keep that in mind next time you buy a jug of Sangria and drink it in one evening :)

So...when we go to SW Open, I suspect my husband will want to hand over a sponsor check to CASI. I'm still completely on the fence, somewhat against this. But hey, what do I do? I'm certainly not going to fight with Gary over it...and I don't' see what good it would do to tell him he can't. I just want this to remain our hobby, our "something fun to do" instead of becoming something else. I already, along with others, take this shit way too serious. I just want to cook chili. I don't want to be a sponsor. I don't want to encourage ignorant behavior by financing it with money. I don't agree with much of what the Board does or says or how they do or say it. I thought the response to Bob Coat's letter regarding the Iraq cook off was petty. Sorry Roger - I love and support you but it just sounded kind of crappy....but then again, I kind of understand why it sounded crappy :o). I think the way the BBQ has been handled has been unfair to the membership. Yes, I know, a questionnaire was sent out..blah, blah, blah. I guess I'm somewhat confused as to when this became some kind of corporate deal and less of a weekend fun thing to do. Maybe it should be more about what I want it to be for me and less about what I think it's turned into as a whole. I do know that I've cooked fewer times this year than last and a lot of it revolves around not wanting to subject myself to bullshit if I don't have to. The going every weekend is tiresome. The constant bitching and moaning is too much. I love to cook chili and I love to be with my friends on the weekends. I am proud that a hobby of mine and Gary's helps other people. I love that what we do goes to charity. I stress that to my girls every time they cook. I always tell them that while we're having fun, we're helping out those in need and that's the most important thing. When Zoe cooks at Cowtown this year, she'll be cooking with hopes of winning it for the 3rd straight time. We talked to her last night about how hard of a feat that will be and that she needs to be proud of herself no matter what - and to be proud of the kid that does win because she knows what a big deal it is. I know that it's important to her that she win. I want her to also know that it's just as important to keep things in perspective and be just as gracious of a loser as you are a winner. I know how much she loves to cook chili and she can't wait until she can cook on the same level as me and her dad. I want it to be fun for her the whole time she's doing it and I want her to be able to keep things in perspective. I'd hate for her to get burned out at the ripe old age of 11!!

I guess I'll keep my mouth shut and let Gary do what he feels is best. But let me tell you, the first time another demo company is pushed or used by a CASI member, I may go batshit crazy on everyone :o)

Have a great Thursday....keep it real my friends!!


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