Friday, October 19, 2012

A Week of Testes

Or, if you aren't Paige, testing.  Catholic schools don't do that crazy TAKS, STAAR, whatever it's called, that public schools do, but they do have a week of standardized testing.  Paige refers to it as her week of testes.  She doesn't quite say testing, and because it's funny, I don't correct her.  I know, mom of the year over here, but it's funny.  So she'll talk to my mom and the conversation will go like this:

Paige:  Gammy, I love testes days. 
Gammy:  WHAT???
Paige:  You know, it's testes week.  We don't have homework.  I wish we could have testes every day.

And it goes from there.  And I sit in the front seat and drive and laugh my ass off.  I mean, isn't that kind of why people have kids....for the entertainment value????  I mean, that's why I did....

Well, technically, I got pregnant on accident, so I didn't plan on my offspring being my entertainment but why ruin a good thing by correcting her pronounciation of certan words?

I'm cooking in Cleburne tomorrow - it's one of my faves.  It's a two day cook off and I usually take my trailer and my child for a mommy baby weekend.  No trailer and Juicy is going to the movies with Mamaw tomorrow.  Gary's working on his deer stand and I guess the babies will spend the outside with him sunning themselves.  Showing off their muffs, that sort of thing :)

I would be remiss if I didn't very publicly thank Doris Coats for the HUGE shout out she gave Mild Bill's yesterday morning on Fox Good Day.  Doris, you are one of a kind, a hell of a chili cook and I can't thank you enough for mentioning us on Good Day.  Not only did the website blow up with orders, but the walk in business since yesterday has been insane.  Thank you, thank you, thank you :)

Keep it Spicy, my friends.....and spread your own special brand of kindness and joy, whatever that may be :)


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