Friday, April 1, 2011

Hello Friday - So Nice to See You!!!

What a beautiful day outside!!! I'm ready to blow this pop stand and pick up my new trailer! Hell yeah!!! I sold two and acquired one more. I'll be posting pics on Monday!

I made the most unbelievably delicious cheese enchiladas last night. My family loved them, too! I'm going to make them one more time before I share the recipe. I want to tweak the enchilada gravy just a tad. I probably could have used more cheese, too. I there ever a reason to not use lots of cheese?!?!?!? My rice was pretty damn good as well. I used a chicken and tomato flavored bouillon cube in place of one of the chicken cubes. I think this gives it a lot more flavor. It doesn't give the rice more of a tomato flavor, either. It's just right. I need a really good refried bean recipe to try out. I usually buy the Santa Fe dried beans that you add water to and they become refried beans (available at HEB) or a can of La Sierra refried beans - probably my most favorite. I make a damn good pot of charro beans, but if I put all of the stuff I like in them, The P won't eat them. And after all....this is Paige's world :)

Speaking of Paige, she informed me the other day that even when she's a teenager and able to drive, she would prefer that I continue to drive her around so that she can still sit in the backseat and play her DSi and watch movies while in transit. She told me it wouldn't be safe to play her game while driving. You think??

So I decided not to cook in Canton this weekend. Too many things to do....not enough time to do them all! Gary, Paige and I are going to pick up my trailer this evening and come back in the morning so that we have the rest of Saturday to do stuff around the house. He mentioned going to the deer lease on Sunday and I know he's got to mow. Our grass is obnoxious. Gary and I are cooking at Traders Village next weekend and then TLS will be upon us! I hope that I can leave earlier than last year and hopefully it won't rain the whole way down there! I'm also looking forward to Larry Joe Taylor at the end of April. The weather should be amazing and I can't wait to relax, have some cocktails and just have a DAMN GOOD TIME!

My dad just pulled into the yard with our gooseneck trailer (that's construction lingo for shop parking area...not my actual yard, although it was there for awhile).
I thought it had been here all along; I guess not. I hope it hasn't been out at my house and I really am that dingy that I didn't even notice it! Oh Lord....I need help!! Jeannie and I are debating the whereabouts of the trailer and I guess that just goes to show either how cognizant or how don't give a shit we are about what goes on around here!!! LOL

I guess I'm going to sign off for today. I hope everyone has a fantastic day and weekend. If you're cooking chili - good luck and steal some points!!

Spreading happiness and joy in all that I do......


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